Studies on Interactions between algae and cyanobacteria and symbiotic bacteria
Algae and cyanobacteria are the primary producers, the starting point of the food chain, and the most important group of organisms in the nutrient global cycle in the Earth's ecosystem. In our laboratory, we focus on red algae (Rhodophyta), which account for a large portion of marine algae, and conduct research to identify core symbiotic microbes to red algae through microbiome analysis, and research on the growth promotion and inhibition mechanisms of red algae through red algae host-symbiotic microbe interactions. In addition, we are conducting research on the growth control of cyanobacteria by identifying the self-destruction mechanism of Microcystis aeruginosa, a cyanobacterial group known as the main causative agent of cyanobloom in freshwater aquatic environments, and its interaction with symbiotic bacteria.